Sunday, November 20, 2011

Vintage Christmas Cards

A year ago, I was at a yard sale and the person hosting the sale was selling off some of her great aunt's belongings. One item that I was lucky enough to buy was an entire leather suitcase full of great ephemera -- Christmas cards by the hundreds, birthday cards, valentine cards, letters from WW2, pictures of the aunt at Jazz clubs in DC from the 40s. It was like opening a time capsule! 

Last month, I finally tackled the huge task of scanning in the Christmas cards. I'd been wanting to do that since I bought the suitcase but just got around to getting a new scanner and it took me days to get them all scanned. I added them to Flickr but unfortunately, someone decided to 'pin' one onto Pinterest, and someone else (whose blog I actually read and admire) found the card on there and then put it on HER flickr, claiming it as being found on a free image website and giving permission for people to use 'her images' for their own crafting needs. I know it's easy to steal images off of the internet but the whole thing just irritated me, especially when the person hasn't bothered to respond to my inquiries about the card she's putting on her photostream and adding to various groups on Flickr, which I'd already added the card too. 

It just put a bad taste in my mouth that someone with so much talent and so many people that read her blog and admire her, would do such a thing. So, having said that, I had to make them private on Flickr but I wanted to share some of my favorite images with you all. I just love the graphics and illustrations, the color combos, the sweet sentiments from 50 and 60 years ago. 

Aren't these wonderful? I need to find a way to display some of these over the next few months because they're too beautiful to just leave in the suitcase.  


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